Inversion Table

Reduces nerve pressure, realigns the spine, rehydrates discs, relaxes tense muscles and improves joint health. Inversion therapy also helps to ease stress, increase flexibility, improve fitness and build core strength.

It can also improve circulation and help with: lower back pain, sciatica, and scoliosis.

Here’s an idea of how to use it.

If you have high blood pressure, heart disease or glaucoma, please ask your doctor before considering inversion therapy. Seriously, do not buy this machine before you check.

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Rowing Machine

Imagine watching a movie or listening to your favorite music or podcast while getting yourself in shape in the comfort of your home. With all the sitting hours at our desk and couch, a rowing machine is now a must have!

While it is virtually impact-free, rowing gives the upper and lower back and the shoulder muscles an excellent workout. Plus, the sliding seat provides a lower body workout too. Every stroke engages the calves, quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes, abs, obliques, pecs, biceps, triceps, deltoids, upper back, and lats. Rowing also boosts your wrist strength because of the grip required for the rower handles.

Want to lose weight and feel younger? Rowing is an activity that gets your heart rate up and can burn up to 600-800 calories per hour, plus it will improve posture by strengthening your back.

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Chi Swing Machine

Relax, and improve your blood circulation with this wave-like motion created by the swing machine. It improves lymph and blood circulation. Use for stress reduction, restful sleep, increased energy levels, and an overall revitalization especially when you’re not getting enough exercise, or if you’re bedridden for a lengthy period of time.

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Standing Desk Electric Height Adjustable Computer Desk

Using a standing desk strengthens your leg muscles, improves balance and lowers the risk for heart disease, obesity, and back and neck pain. Even people who exercise most days face health risks if they sit too much. Standing desks raise your computer high enough for you to work and stand at the same time. This keeps you on your feet for more of the day. Standing for 6 hours instead of sitting helps you lose an additional 55 calories per day.

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